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Showing posts from December, 2012

Windows 8 is better than other version of Windows Operating System

Problem: Windows 8 is better than other version of Windows Operating System? Solution:   Windows 8 is better than other Version of Windows OS for newer PC. Because it is provide : --- Huge Security improvements --- On the right hardware, it’s sleek, fast and fun --- Better battery life for mobility device --- Faster boot --- Great for touch                                                                                                                                            

Windows 8 boot loader corrupted

Problem:     Installed Windows 7 and Windows 8 in EFI mode on a hard disk some days past. Today, the boot loader is absent or corrupted. At present have the Windows 8 installer on a flash drive and tried using the Automatic Repair option to repair the boot loader but it didn't do anything. The Startup Repair option is also absent in the Windows 8 installer. How I can repair or recreate the EFI boot loader from the Command Prompt? BCDEDIT   returns the following message: The requested system device cannot be found. Solution: Firstly, boot from a UEFI Windows 8 recovery disk (CD/DVD/USB) - I found that the automated recovery process didn't find the correct Windows partition, nor when I managed to add it to BCD settings would it make it reliably boot-able e.g. using BCDEDIT I got it to find and launch the Windows partition but it refused to cold boot or would not "keep" the settings after a 2nd reboot or power off. Go into the Advanced ...

Automatically generate primary key value using backed Trigger in Oracle

PROBLEM : Automatically assign primary key value using backed Trigger.  SOLUTION :  Code.                     CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER stlbas.dbt_auto_srlnum BEFORE INSERT    ON stlbas.stbrnlm1    FOR EACH ROW BEGIN    BEGIN       SELECT COUNT (a.sancid) + 1         INTO :NEW.srlnum         FROM stlbas.stbrnlm1 a        WHERE a.sancid = :NEW.sancid;    EXCEPTION       WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND       THEN          :NEW.srlnum                := 1;       WHEN OTHERS       THEN          :NEW.srlnum    ...


PROBLEM:  HOW TO FIX WINDOWS 8 OPERATING SYSTEMS PROBLEM AUTOMATICALLY.   SOLUTIONS :   Windows 8 includes a healing feature called Automatic Repair that attempts to automatically diagnose and fix common issues that may cause Windows 8 to not start correctly.  Automatic Repair will start automatically when Windows is unable to start properly. Once started, it will scan a range of settings, configuration options, and system files for corrupt files and settings.  If it detects anything, it will automatically attempt to fix them for you. To access Automatic Repair in the Windows Recovery Environment you need to go to the Windows 8 Start Screen and type Advanced . When the search results appear click on the Settings category as shown below. Now click on the option labeled advanced startup options and you will be brought to the General PC Settings screen. Scroll down to the bottom until you see an option labeled advanced startup . Click on...

Remove Genuine Advantage Notification in Windows 7

Problem: Genuine Advantage Notification in Windows 7 Solution:  Windows 7 may sometimes been detected as illegal, not genuine,or Pirated despite the operating system has been genuinely bought from market. Then it shows a message immediately after log on, the following Windows Activation window will be displayed. Windows is not genuine Your computer might not be running a counterfeit copy of Windows. 0×80070005  Moreover, the computer desktop background is turned to black, after some time of logging in and the following error message is shown on the bottom right corner of the screen: This copy of Windows is not genuine When you try to view the system information in System Properties (Control Panel -> System and Security -> System), the following error message can be seen: You must activate today. Activate Windows now Using slmgr.vbs /dlv or slmgr.vbs /dli in an elevated command prompt with administrator privileges to view the licensing status w...

Apex 4.2 Installation failed on Oracle Database

Question: Apex 4.2  Installation  failed on Oracle Database Answer : Application Express 4.0 cannot be installed on Database version on Linux and potentially other platforms as well. The installation will end with "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: associative array shape is not consistent with session parameters". Solution for this problem Apply the patch for bug 5890966 (related bug) or apply the Patch 6 on Windows Platforms (if on Windows Platforms) or apply the database patch set or upgrade to 11gR1 or later. Question: Oracle Report 6i connections problem with Oracle 11g Database  ? Answer: Oracle 11g database has a new parameter SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON (case sensitive password enabled for logon) - default is TRUE. But Forms transforms (for example) "scott/tiger" to "SCOTT/TIGER". We can do this:   alter user scott identified by TIGER   OR  set SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON to FALSE
PROBLEM:  How to fix Windows  8 Restart and shutdown Problems. Answer: Open Command Prompt as Administrator by right-click on the bottom-left corner and select the same option from the Win+X menu: Type below command: bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes The above mentioned command used to solve a very annoying freezing issue found in Windows 8

How to install Oracle Application Express 4.2

Installing Oracle Application Express (APEX) 4.2 follow below step.  1. Download Oracle     from  2. Unzip downloaded zip file:         UNIX and Linux: $ unzip     Windows: Double click the file in Windows Explorer  3. Change your working directory to apex.  4. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS specifying the SYSDBA role.     For example:     On Windows:     SYSTEM_DRIVE:\ sqlplus /nolog     SQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA     Enter password: SYS_password     On UNIX and Linux:     $ sqlplus /nolog     SQL> CONNECT SYS as SYSDBA     Enter password: SYS_password ...

Application Express 4.0 Installation failed on Oracle Database

Application Express 4.0 cannot be installed on Database version on Linux and potentially other platforms as well. The installation will end with "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: associative array shape is not consistent with session parameters". Solution for this problem Apply the patch for bug 5890966 (related bug) or apply the Patch 6 on Windows Platforms (if on Windows Platforms) or apply the database patch set or upgrade to 11gR1 or later.
Question: How to Check installed JDK version ? Answer: 1. Open your command prompt in Windows or Terminal in Linux 2. Type "java -version" Show below  result: C:\Users\user>java -version java version "1.6.0_37" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_37-b06) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.12-b01, mixed mode, sharing) It is indicate, JDK "1.6.0_37" is installed on the computer.