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Showing posts from February, 2013

Algorithm for Oracle Instance Tuning

                                                                                               Algorithm  for Oracle Instance Tuning   STEP 1: Define the Problem     Get candid feedback from users about the scope of the performance problem. STEP 2: Examine the Host System and Examine the Oracle Statistics         - After obtaining a full set of operating system,database, and application statistics,examine the       data from any evidence of performance problems.         - Consider the...

How to Upgrade from Windows 7, Vista, or XP to Windows 8

  How to Upgrade from Windows 7, Vista, or XP to Windows 8 To Upgrade to Windows 8 with Only a Product Key NOTE: This option is when you already have purchased Windows 8, have a Windows 8 product key , and do not have any Windows installation media (ex: ISO , DVD, USB) to install with . 1. Click on the download button to download and run the Windows8-Setup.exe file from the Microsoft site below. Upgrade to Windows 8 with only a product key - Microsoft Windows 2. If prompted by UAC, then click/tap on Yes (Windows 7/8) or Continue (Vista). 3. Type in your Windows 8 product key number, and click/tap on Next . (see screenshot below) 4. You will now see what Windows 8 will be installed. Click/tap on Next if correct. (see screenshot below) NOTE: This is based on the product key you entered at step 3 above . 5. Windows 8 will now begin to download. (see screenshot below) 6. When it's finished downloading, select (dot) Install Now , and cl...

Creating a drop down list in MS Excel

                                         Creating a drop down list in MS Excel Enter the following data into cells: A1 - Gingerbread A2 - Lemon A3 - Oatmeal Raisin A4 - Chocolate Chip D2 - Cookie Type: Click on cell E2 - the location where the results will be displayed. Click on the Data tab. Click on the Data Validation option from the ribbon to open the menu. Click on the Data Validation in the menu to bring up the dialog box. Click on Settings tab in the dialog box. From the Allow menu choose List . Click on the Source line in the dialog box. Drag to select cells A1 - A4 in the spreadsheet. Click OK in the dialog box. A down arrow should appear next to cell E2. When you click on the arrow the drop down list should open to display the four...

Error Initializing Opera: module 15

Solutions: You should manually remove directories name as "Opera" from  %PROGRAMFILES% ,%APPDATA% and %USERPROFILE% . RUN(Windows Logo Key + R)-> Enter '%PROGRAMFILES%' -> Then press OK Button. Open a new window, There find Opera folder and delete it. Same as %APPDATA%  and %USERPROFILE%. What programming languages should I learn to make a website How do i transfer music from my mac to my iPhone using the iTunes HOW TO FIX ICE CREAM SANDWICH UPDATE ERRORS !!! Fix an app that isn't working properly in Nexus how to reset Google nexus 7 Screen flicker problem in iPhone 5 DATE AND TIME PROBLEM IN IPHONE5 Another way: IF it's install in C drive you can delete opera folder from below location : c: \ Program Files \ Opera \ c: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Application Data \ Opera \ c: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Opera \ Any you getting any problem give a comments. You can also see...

Oracle DBA Interview questions With Answer Part-V

                                                  Oracle DBA Interview questions With Answer Question 1: When is a request sent to a listener? A. After every call. B. Before every call. C. After name resolution. D. Before name resolution. Best Oracle Books Question 2: In which file is the information that host naming is enabled stored? A. init.ora B. sqlnet.ora C. tnsnames.ora D. listener.ora Question 3:  Which protocols can oracle Net 11g Use A.TCP B.UDP C.SPX/IPX Question 4: Which of the following statements about listeners is correct? A. A listener can connect you to one instance only. B. A listener can connect you to one service only. C. Multiple listeners can share one network interface card. D. An instanc...

Oracle DBA Interview questions With Answer Part-IV

                                Oracle DBA Interview questions With Answer Part-IV Question 1: What is a potential reason for a Snapshot too old error message? a. You did not refresh your snapshots in time. b. An ITL entry in a data block has been reused. c. Rollback segment extent sizes are too large. d. Your online redo log files are not big enough to snap your largest transactions. Question 2: An Oracle user receives the following error: ORA-01555 SNAPSHOP TOO OLD What is the possible solution? A. Increase the extent size of the rollback segments. B. Perform media recovery. C. Increase the number of rollback segments. D. Increase the size of the rollback segment tablespace. Question 3: The status of the Rollback segment can be viewed through A. DBA_SEGMENTS B. DBA_ROLES C. DBA_FREE_SPACES D. DBA_ROLLBACK_SEG Questi...

Oracle DBA Interview questions With Answer Part-III

                                                       ORACLE DBA INTERVIEW QUESTION'S WITH ANSWER Question 1: What is a default role? A. A role that requires a password. B. A role that requires no password. C. A role automatically enabled when the user logs on. D. A role automatically assigned when the user is created. Question 2: Who is the owner of a role? A. SYS B. Nobody C. SYSTEM D. The creator Question 3: When granting the system privilege, which clause enables the grantee to further grant the privilege to other users or roles? A. PUBLIC B. WITH PRIVILEGE C. WITH ADMIN OPTION D. WITH GRANT OPTION Question 4: Which view will show a list of privileges that are available for the current session to a user? A. SESSION...

Oracle DBA Interview questions With Answer Part-II

                                          Oracle DBA Interview questions With Answer Part-II    Question 01: Which dynamic view can be queried when a database is started up in no mount state? A. V$LOGFILE B. V$INSTANCE C. V$CONTROLFILE D. V$DATAFILE_HEADER Question 02: Which two tasks occur as a database transitions from the mount stage to the open stage? A. The online data files & Redo log files are opened. B. Memory for the SGA is allocated. C. the Oracle password file is opened. D. Stored procedures are pinned in the library cache Question 03: In which situation is it appropriate to enable the restricted session mode? A. Creating a table B. Dropping an index C. Taking a rollback segment offline D. Exporting a consistent image of a large numbe...


Oracle DBA Interview questions With Answer  Question 01: Which of the following does not affect the size of the SGA a) Database buffer b) Redo log buffer c) Stored procedure d) Shared pool Question 02. A set of Dictionary tables are created a) Once for the Entire Database b) Every time a user is created c) Every time a Tablespace is created d) None of the above Question 03. The order in which Oracle processes a single SQL statement is? A. Execute, parse, fetch B. Execute, fetch, parse C. parse, execute, fetch D. parse, fetch, execute Question 04. What are the mandatory datafiles to create a database in Oracle 11g? A. SYSTEM, SYSAUX B. SYSTEM, USERDATA, TEMP C. SYSTEM, SYSAUX, UNDO Question 05. In one server can we have different oracle versions? A. No B. Yes Question 06. How do sessions communicate with database? A. Server processes use oracle net to connect to the instance. B. Background processes use oracle net to connect to the dat...