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Algorithm for Oracle Instance Tuning



                            Algorithm  for Oracle Instance Tuning

 STEP 1: Define the Problem
    Get candid feedback from users about the scope of the performance problem.

STEP 2: Examine the Host System and Examine the Oracle Statistics
    - After obtaining a full set of operating system,database, and application statistics,examine the
      data from any evidence of performance problems.
    - Consider the list of common performance errors to see whether the data gahtered suggests that they
      are contributing to the problem.

    - Build a conceptual model of what is happening on the system using the performance data gathered.

STEP 3: Implement and Measure Change
        Propose changes to be made and the expected result of implementing the changes. Then, implement the
        changes and measure application performance.

STEP 4: Determine whether the performance objective defined in step 1 has been met. If not, then repeat
    steps 2 and 3 until the performance goals are met.


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