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Daily Oracle DBA Checklist

ΓΌ Ensure that previous night's backup is complete and there are no RMAN errors in the backup logs.

ΓΌ Ensure that any exports which are part of the backup are complete and the dump files    compressed.

ΓΌ Check the alert log for any ORA- errors - also for messages like 'Checkpoint not complete etc'.

ΓΌ Ensure that the cron job for truncating, saving and renaming alert logs is working - verify the   same.

ΓΌ Ensure that the archive redo log files are compressed and have been deleted. Only files for  current and previous day should be present.

ΓΌ All tablespaces should be less than 95% full - run the coalesce command on all tablespaces to   reduce fragmentation. Ensure that space in the TEMP tablespace is released and is 100% free   at the beginning of the day.

ΓΌ Enough contiguous free space is available in all tablespaces for objects to extend if required.

ΓΌ Backup the control file to trace so that every day we have a outline of the files and their   locations for each database.

ΓΌ No objects are within 5 extents of the MAXEXTENTS storage parameter.

ΓΌ All core dumps are deleted from the $CDUMP area.

ΓΌ All *.trc files are deleted from the $UDUMP area.

ΓΌ Check the machine for any disks 100% full or nearing that value. If a disk has filled up use   The 'find' command to determine files which have been recently created/modified. Ensure that all   
ΓΌ *.dmp files are in their proper locations and large *.dmp files have been compressed.

ΓΌ Truncate the listener.log file in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/log location if the listener log has   Increased to a size > than 500 MB. Ensure the space is released, otherwise 'reload' listener.

ΓΌ Run the 'recently created/modified objects' report to ensure that no unauthorised object   creation/modification is taking place.

ΓΌ Ensure that there are no DBMS_JOBS with the status of failed or broken. Also last refresh times   of all running jobs should be current.

ΓΌ Check to ensure that no objects exist in the database with the status 'INVALID'


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