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Analysis Design & Development of University Student Payment System

University Student Payment System ‘USPS’ is an online base bespoke application system. It is mainly an accounting system but it is not a conventional accounting system. It has some specialty; it is specific only for student. Students will be able to pay their tuition and other semester fees online using this system. Guardian will able to pay their students fees through online and able to see the student financial statement. It has various message options to notify transaction information like as mobile, emailing also own messaging system. On demand University Student Payment System users will be able to view receipts, payment statement from anywhere in the world using Internet.

At the primary stage of developing University Student Payment System, we have studied similar systems. Most of systems are e-commerce system. USPS has some similarity with e-commerce system, because students have payment their fees using their bank account, credit or debit card and using their mobiles through third party payment gateway.

Requirement collection, analysis and design are the part of the software development process. It is discovering the purpose of the system its help to design application. In this system uses various methods. Interviewing is one of them. Use case, Data flow diagram, flow chart are design base on system analysis.

Iterative methodology has been used to develop University Student Payment System. Iterative methodology is one of the most uses software developing method in Software engineering field. It is very suitable for bespoke software application. Because its allow more flexibility for changes. Planning, Requirements, Analysis and Design, Implementation, Deployment, Testing and evaluation are the part of iterative methodology.

University Student Payment System very scale able and secure system and it is easily customize able on future demand. It has some limitations. University Student Payment System uses Oracle Platforms and Oracle are not free it’s required a licenses from Oracle corporation, USA. USPS (University Student Payment System) has no integrated payment gateway but it has an option to interface with third-party payment gateway service provider. Develop own payment gateway and incorporate within University Student Payment System is our future plan. In future University Student Payment system transfer to open source technology for relieves software licensing issue and open the access for new software engineer.

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