Solutions: You should manually remove directories name as "Opera" from %PROGRAMFILES% ,%APPDATA% and %USERPROFILE% . RUN(Windows Logo Key + R)-> Enter '%PROGRAMFILES%' -> Then press OK Button. Open a new window, There find Opera folder and delete it. Same as %APPDATA% and %USERPROFILE%. What programming languages should I learn to make a website How do i transfer music from my mac to my iPhone using the iTunes HOW TO FIX ICE CREAM SANDWICH UPDATE ERRORS !!! Fix an app that isn't working properly in Nexus how to reset Google nexus 7 Screen flicker problem in iPhone 5 DATE AND TIME PROBLEM IN IPHONE5 Another way: IF it's install in C drive you can delete opera folder from below location : c: \ Program Files \ Opera \ c: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Application Data \ Opera \ c: \ Documents and Settings \ Username \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Opera \ Any you getting any problem give a comments. You can also see...
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