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I will provide 3 solutions.

First Solution:

First and foremost, The basic solution for this error is to perform a hard reset of your Blackberry phone. If the device has restarted successfully and no longer displays the error, means your phone successfully repair it.
But if the phone restarted successfully and still shows the error, next step you will need to take that verify your Smartphone with latest update of OS.

In order to initiate an Internet Based Software Upgrade:
1. First,simply attach your Blackberry device to your PC, through a USB connection.
2. Fire up your browser and head up to the Blackberry Update website.
3. Look for a link to “Check for Updates”. and click on that.
(If you are getting difficulty to detect your device on computer, please review KB10144 in the Blackberry Knowledge Base, which contains information that how to force your phone to connect with computer.)
4. If you already got the Application Loader Tool installed on your pc, ignore this step. Else, follow the points mentioned below:
A. In the File Download – Security Warning dialog box, click “Run”.
B. In the Internet Explorer – Security Warning dialog box, click “Run”.
C. When prompted, restart the computer.
D. On the computer, navigate to the Blackberry Device Software updates website.
5. Click “Check for Updates”.
If you have a password set on your Blackberry Smartphone, type the password in the Unlock Blackberry Device dialog box.
6. Click “OK”.

7. at this point if you find any latest update, Go ahead with latest updates. If a new version is not available please reload the most Blackberry Device Software that’s displayed. To do this, click “View other versions” and select ““Current Version” followed by clicking “Install”. After this process, start your phone and keep using it.

Second Solution:

Without battery connect the blackberry to the computer
make sure the computer recognize the phone.

-Disconnect from pc
-Open desktop manager
-Install battery and re-connect to computer
-Wait 5 seconds and run application loader – add/remove apps START
the JVM appears and seems to hang, and that’s fine
-Then it scoots thru other screens and back to the Connecting to Device and
usually hangs here as the phone displays the error 523 screen
At this point it all seems hung up, but there is a trick!
Wait 10-15 seconds and then unplug the phone from the computer and plug it back in.
Then this happens:
-windows bing and bongs as you disconnect and reconnect the phone
-Desktop Manager pops up with all the apps on your phone!!
-Check off the apps that are causing the problem, the more the better in my opinion
-click NEXT and Finish (to start removing the apps)

Now Desktop Manager goes back to Connecting to Phone and the phone reboots.
Then Windows does the bing and bonging for the disconnect/reconnect of the phone and the phone starts to reboot!
It takes a long time because you go through the white screen, but for me after a bit of waiting the phone booted up fine!!! So as long as you removed the app that was the problem you should be set!

Third Solution:

Reload the BlackBerry Device Software on the BlackBerry device

Procedure ,

complete the following steps to resolve the problem of your Blackberry loader :

Step 1. Install the BlackBerry Device Software on your computer.

Step 2. Open BlackBerry Desktop Manager.

Step 3. Connect your BlackBerry device to the computer.

Step 4. If prompted, then type your BlackBerry device password and click OK.

Step 5. Complete one of the following steps:
If the Application Updates Available window appears, click Update Now. The Application Loader Wizard appears.
If the Application Updates are available but window does not appear, then double-click the Application Loader  the Application loader wizard will appear..

Step 6. Click Next.

Step 7. If prompted, type your BlackBerry device password and click Next.                       Note: When the Application Loader Wizard is finished examining the configuration on the Blackberry device, the Device Application Selection screen appears listing the applications available for installation. The selected check boxes indicate applications that are already installed on the BlackBerry device.

Step 8. Select the check box for the BlackBerry Device Software.

Step 9. Click Next.

Step 10. If  On the Device Backup screen appears, choose whether to automatically back up the BlackBerry device and click Next.

Step 11. Click Finish to begin loading the BlackBerry Device Software.

Step 12. Click Close when the software loading is finished.

Things to remember to prevent your device from  App Error 523
Always download additional app from trust worthy site.
After the installation of app restart your device. (So Apps setting get complete install.)
Create a back before installing new Apps.
Always use anti threats program in your phone. (So if any app contains any threat it will warn you.)

Keeps your device updated with latest software.


-- Cheers.


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